Audality technology can eliminate the need for audio cables forever. What’s more, it can do so while delivering beautiful, quality uncompressed 24-bit data, with superior range. Audality has perfected wireless audio to refine sound quality, range, and robustness without any need at all for Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Read on to discover how Audality can make your home hi-fi system, or a manufacturer’s product line, incredibly user friendly and the beacon for ground-breaking Hi-Fi technology that requires no cables.
A typical Hi-Fi system is comprised of three basic components: (1) an audio source, (2) amplification, and (3) speakers. A homeowner’s very good hi-fi system historically was achieved via a balancing act of budgets, system performance, user friendliness, aesthetics, and a flexibility to refine and improve the system over time.;
Consequently, installation of a quality hi-fi system into, say, a new build/construction can be a daunting effort. Still, supplying a quality power source into a new build (or into a renovation of an existing home) is imperative to achieve maximum performance from any hi-fi system.
Additionally, one must think about main panels, subpanels, copper bars, Square D QO panels, wiring up to 10AWG, solid copper rods for grounding, surge protectors, and outlets. Likewise, in the consumer world of speakers and amps and soundbars, a manufacturer is constantly weighing and balancing costs against the desire to create stereo sound that is lossless and pure. Of course, manufacturers also must produce a hi-fi system with superior range and adaptability, compatibility with digital music, and an ability to operate without sucking up power.
Ultimately, let’s also remember the love/hate relationship with (and reliance on) cables. Your choice of cables can make or break your system. Low frequency noise arising from lesser-quality cables will lead to a hum in your audio. When you finally master proper location of your equipment and cable routes to minimize that hum (even with improved material technology computing power and production techniques, however), then you will face another major source of disruption – high frequency (HF) noise. Any cable in a system can act as an antenna. Low voltage lights, switch mode power supplies, phone chargers, mobile phones, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth are all HF sources and can emit noise. When put together, these sources create one big noise problem.
All that being said, it is time for consumers and manufacturers to throw away those wires and cables and tap into Audality’s possibilities. Now, a manufacturer can verify the strength and purity of wireless hi-fi sound, Connected by Audality, by evaluating the technology in one of two ways. First, Audality can provide a manufacturer with an OEM kit (aka a toolset) that contains items that would be placed into a manufacturer’s speaker to achieve an incredible hi-fi wireless system that does not require Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This toolset may consist of a group of components including wireless modules, amplifiers, power conditioning circuits, USB transmitters, mounting brackets, and antennas that would embed Audality technology into existing products. Second, Audality may also send a pair of its own S5 speakers and a USB transmitter to a manufacturer so that manufacturing executives can hear the audio and realize how simple this process really is.
We invite you to learn more about Audality’s amazing technology and the ability to eliminate cables and wires forever. Feel free to visit and; you may also contact us directly at or send an email to [email protected].